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Automating Script That Updates a Container

Subject: Automating Script That Updates a Container
Author: Larry
Posted: 2020-08-27 18:49


We are trying to automate the commands below as part of a script. We're not able to run any of the commands after the first one though:

# serviced service shell -s PIP -i zope
# su - zenoss
$ pip install boto botocore boto3 jira
$ exit
# exit
# serviced snapshot commit PIP

Any ideas?



Subject: RE: Automating Script That Updates a Container
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2020-09-16 13:09

Hi Larry

Did you made any progress or is it still an open issue?



Subject: RE: Automating Script That Updates a Container
Author: Larry
Posted: 2020-09-29 19:28

Hi Arthur,
   Thanks for your message. We made a lot of progress and *almost* have this working. We have a minor glitch though. We're using this method:



Subject: RE: Automating Script That Updates a Container
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2020-10-07 03:23

Hi Larry

Thanks for you replay. I've attached my basic idea how to achieve this. It uses the fact, that the current directory is mountent into the conatiner under /mnt/pwd. I had some issues to get the correct environment if I switch to the zenoss user. That's why I had to break the script into 3 parts (scripts). In addition not a lot of checks are done. So take it at your own risk and just as an idea how it could work.

If you don't mind I would also be interested in your solution (some basic starting code lines).

Thanks in advance.


We are trying to automate the commands below as part of a script. We're not able to run any of the commands after the first one though:

# serviced service shell -s PIP -i zope
# su - zenoss
$ pip install boto botocore boto3 jira
$ exit
# exit
# serviced snapshot commit PIP

Any ideas?



Subject: RE: Automating Script That Updates a Container
Author: Larry
Posted: 2020-10-07 03:30

Thanks! Will let you know what I find out.


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