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Configure Trusted Domain Servers

Subject: Configure Trusted Domain Servers
Author: rajasekaran panneerselvam
Posted: 2020-05-28 03:18


I have 2 domain scenario here.

one is and another one test.local domain.  The service account has been created and configured for monitoring from domain. has explicit trust with test.local. 

When tried to model the servers of test.local domain it says  "Unable to connect to server.test.local. Please make sure zWinKDC, zWinRMUser, zWinRMServerName, and zWinRMPassword properties are configured correctly as we are using service account from

how i can authenticate the service account which i created for monitoring to test.local domain? do we have any other options?


Subject: RE: Configure Trusted Domain Servers
Author: rajasekaran panneerselvam
Posted: 2020-05-29 03:44

Is anyone there to help me on this?


Subject: RE: Configure Trusted Domain Servers
Author: Michael Rogers
Posted: 2020-06-02 15:15

Hi, Raja!

It looks like you may need to make use of the zWinTrustedRealm and zWinTrustedKDC properties.

From the Windows ZenPack Documentation:


Note: In order to use a single domain user in a child domain or other trusted domain, set zWinKDC to the AD server of the user's domain. Then enter the trusted domain name and associated domain controller in the zWinTrustedRealm and zWinTrustedKDC properties, respectively.


Let us know if that helps?

Michael J. Rogers
Senior Instructor - Zenoss
Austin TX

Subject: RE: Configure Trusted Domain Servers
Author: rajasekaran panneerselvam
Posted: 2020-06-11 11:14

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the reply.

I just followed your steps and tried again still couldn't make it. I was able to get added by using SNMP. Removed WinrM plugins and added only SNMP and configured SNMP service in all Windows servers. Now all looks good.

rajasekaran panneerselvam

Subject: RE: Configure Trusted Domain Servers
Author: Michael Rogers
Posted: 2020-06-11 12:22


It sounds like you did some customization of the device class to set up SNMP based modeling/monitoring.  Do you have these devices added to /Server/Microsoft/Windows or /Server/Windows?

/Server/Windows is the SNMP-based device class included by default in Zenoss Core.  Since Windows device don't expose very much data through their SNMP OID tree, this class is necessarily limited.  Its modeler plugins and monitoring templates are already configured to work via SNMP, so it doesn't require any customization on the Zenoss side.

/Server/Microsoft/Windows is the WinRM-based device class added by the Windows ZenPack.  WinRM is certainly trickier to configure than SNMP, but nearly everything a Windows server can do is exposed through WinRM / Windows performance counters.  

If you need to monitor Windows devices via SNMP, they should be moved to the /Server/Windows class.  You may want to leave at least one test device in /Server/Microsoft/Windows to test your WinRM configuration.  Once you have that squared away, you can move devices back to that class.

Michael J. Rogers
Senior Instructor - Zenoss
Austin TX

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