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Cannot resize Application Data - could not get the lv_uuid

Subject: Cannot resize Application Data - could not get the lv_uuid
Author: Donatas
Posted: 2020-05-22 02:25


I'm using Zenoss 6.1.2 and ran out of disk space. I'm trying to increase Application Data storage with no luck. I already managed to add disk space to application data virtual device, but can't resize filesystem.
When I issue command "serviced-storage resize -o dm.thinpooldev=/dev/mapper/serviced-serviced--pool -d /opt/serviced/var/volumes 6ma93x8i4kbpz4gc4ijnk3crl 100G", I get an error 
"Could not get the lv_uuid for /dev/mapper/serviced-serviced--pool:"


Subject: RE: Cannot resize Application Data - could not get the lv_uuid
Author: Donatas
Posted: 2020-05-22 04:09

Problem solved. I just needed to resize disk with  resize2fs


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