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Interface treshhold Zenoss

Subject: Interface treshhold Zenoss
Author: Hamza Aarab
Posted: 2019-03-28 06:24


I have one question about the interface treshhold of zenoss. The default treshhold is as following (here.speed or 1e9) / 8 * .75 
From what i understand (after searching on the internet) it will send a warning when the interface is 75% in use. I changed the treshhold to alert when it is 01% (here.speed or 1e9) / 8 * .01 just to test it. but it wont alert me. 

Correct me if i am wrong about the treshhold. Can someone please explain the treshhold or tell me how can i setup a treshhold to alert me if the interface is 90% in use.

Thank you in advance

Hamza Aarab

Subject: RE: Interface treshhold Zenoss
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2019-04-01 16:10

You are definitely on the right track here.  Do you get any error events or messages in the logs?  I just have this nasty feeling I have seen something similar before.  Can you try with a percentage a bit bigger? Say 20% (.2).

Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Interface treshhold Zenoss
Author: Hamza Aarab
Posted: 2019-04-02 05:27

Thank you for your answer i appreciate it. I didnt get any error events or messages in the log. I also changed the number to 20% (.2), but didnt get an error or alert.

Do you have interface treshholds configured on your Zenoss core? and how?

Thank you in advance


Hamza Aarab

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