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Backing up Analytics

Subject: Backing up Analytics
Author: Josh Zenker
Posted: 2018-09-18 16:30

We are running a large Analytics instance, containing over 6 TB of performance data. I'm looking for an automated way to manage hot and cold backups of the DB. So far, the two suggestions I received from Zenoss were a VMware cold snapshot every week or Percona XtraBackup. (They said the latter is untested.) I'm not thrilled with these options, so I'd like to hear what other Analytics customers are doing.

Subject: RE: Backing up Analytics
Author: Luke Lofgren
Posted: 2018-09-21 07:57

Analytics is a "mySQL" DB; we did a migration to a new server that primarily involved tar-ing it up and moving it over. I see the value in Analytics in that its getting it "out" of something more fussy to work with. Basically I would think any solid solution for backing up mySQL would be appropriate for backing up "Analytics". There's a whole let less concern about "state" than with the core Zenoss RRDB. Will be interested in hearing where you decide to go.

Luke Lofgren
Infrastructure Architect
Acxiom Corporation (home based associate)
Waterford PA

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