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Zenoss hangs frequently

Subject: Zenoss hangs frequently
Author: Harm Jan van den Hoek
Posted: 2018-08-02 07:44

Hi Guys,

I've installed the latest zenoss via the OVA file. Thinks are working as they should.
But every 1 or 2 days the interface is not responding anymore. 
After restarting the zenoss app in the control center everything works again.

Can somebody point me where to look to find the reason?

Kind regards,
Harm Jan

Harm Jan van den Hoek

Subject: RE: Zenoss hangs frequently
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2018-08-03 11:32

Try just restarting the User Interface to see if that fixes it.. there is a bug with zope threads hanging. We restart all zope instances nightly to prevent this.


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