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Close events at change to decommision status

Subject: Close events at change to decommision status
Author: Shane Quinsey
Posted: 2018-05-08 03:34

Does anyone know if it is possible to tune ZenOSS to close events at an earlier status than by deleting a device?

We have to keep the nodes in the toolset for an extended period of time and move the node to a decommissioned state.
As we are attempting to limit the amount of work in ZenOSS, is it possible to have the events closed automatically like ZenOSS does already when a node is removed.
eg: State Conversion: Decommissioned:-1


Shane Quinsey

Subject: RE: Close events at change to decommision status
Author: Larry Ouellette
Posted: 2018-07-03 11:58

If I'm manually changing a device's status to Decommissioned, then I would just click on Events, and close any outstanding events.

Larry Ouellette
Automation Administrator
Boston University - IS&T
Boston Massachusetts

Subject: RE: Close events at change to decommision status
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2018-07-03 14:41

Using API:
You can script something that pulls a list of decom devices, then builds an event filter based on those devices and then close any events it finds.

Using Event Settings:
You could Age all events after X amount of time. Which means anything that is not counting up will get aged, then eventually archived.

ZenPack Development:
You could create a new action in Zenoss to set the state to decommissioned and then close all the events.


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