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Monitoring free space disc available % --> MB/GB

Subject: Monitoring free space disc available % --> MB/GB
Author: Grzegorz Szkudlarek
Posted: 2018-01-19 18:03

How can i change monitoring disc thresthold from percent to free megabytes in Zenoss 4.2.5?
I would like recive alerts when device free space is only 1GB.
I can not find anywhere :(


Grzegorz Szkudlarek

Subject: RE: Monitoring free space disc available % --> MB/GB
Author: Jason Olson
Posted: 2018-01-22 11:05

You can go Advanced -> Monitoring Templates -> Filesystem and choose the appropriate template for the server. If Windows (for example), you can add a Data Source with the \Free Megabytes Perfmon counter. That will give you the free space for the volume.

Jason Olson

Subject: RE: Monitoring free space disc available % --> MB/GB
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2018-01-23 04:18

You might also have a look at the transform for the /Perf/FileSystem event (navigate to that class and use the Action icon, bottom=left to see the transform).  This code has varied slightly over the years but you may well find it is that that is deliberately trying to make you a "more helpful" event summary by providing a percentage, rather than raw bytes left.  It is code worth looking at anyway.

Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

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