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Server system logs in v 5.2.4+

Subject: Server system logs in v 5.2.4+
Author: Jason Olson
Posted: 2017-07-12 11:02

Has anyone else run into issues with system logs - from Windows machines especially - being brought in with empty Summary and Message fields and logged with Debug priority? Pulling in system logs worked properly in version 5.2.2 and below, but since updating to 5.2.4 (and 5.2.5 in the day is was released, and 5.2.6 since) it seems that Zenoss pulling in event logs is flaky; works on many servers as long as they're the Application or System logs, has trouble on several others that *did* have their, logged correctly before (all servers are configured identically), and can no longer pull in logs from the Forwarded Events log on any server.

This seen by anyone else? Maybe I need to change something...somewhere?

Jason Olson

Subject: RE: Server system logs in v 5.2.4+
Author: Jason Olson
Posted: 2017-08-30 10:26

If anyone else is experiencing this later on, the problem turned out to be with the update to the Windows Monitoring ZenPack starting in version 2.7.0. For whatever reason, that update, combined with us running PowerShell 4.0 and using a regional locale that wasn't US English caused our message fields to be blank. Setting the locale for the monitoring account to US English got it working again.

Jason Olson

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