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General Admin question - When does it make sense to create a new device class?

Subject: General Admin question - When does it make sense to create a new device class?
Author: Eleazar Flores
Posted: 2017-07-12 11:32

​We are having a discussion on our team on creating new device classes.  We would like to know what other companies are using to determine when a new device class is needed?

Eleazar Flores

Subject: RE: General Admin question - When does it make sense to create a new device class?
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2017-07-12 13:55

At a minimum you will want to create different device classes for different devices that will have different modeling templates.  From there it is really a matter of opinion, but there doesn't seem to be any limits to how many device classes you have. Without any limits, adding more device classes so you can more accurately categorize a device is very nice.  Sure most of my switches I monitor the exact same thing on, but it is nice to break them out into Vendor and then different model type.  

So I typically add a new device class each time I add a new model of a device.

Tim Caiazza

Subject: RE: General Admin question - When does it make sense to create a new device class?
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-07-13 05:21

As Tim says, the Device Class is where you control both the modeler plugins and the performance templates; if you want to "do something different" for a set of devices for either of those, you need a new class.  Anywhere where you are creating local templates on a specific device, perhaps you should be asking if there are other devices like this, and should there be a separate device class?

The other tools Zenoss provides for differentiating customisation, are the Groups, Systems and Locations.  You cannot use these easily to control the modelers and/or plugins; you can use them very effectively as part of the decision process for triggers and notifications. If you are writing transforms for events then you have access to the Group, System and Location, in addition to the Device Class. You can also use Groups, Systems and Locations (as well as Device Class) if you want to create your own MultiGraph reports.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

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