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Subject: VersionConflictEngineException
Author: Chad Bryan
Posted: 2017-06-23 06:43

Can anyone shed any light on why this error is showing up in my logs and how I might be able to resolve it?

Jun 23 06:42:02 monitor serviced: time="2017-06-23T10:42:02Z" level=error msg="Put failed" error="2017-06-23 10:42:02.829008709 +0000 UTC: Error [VersionConflictEngineException[[controlplane][0] [host][dac76e7e]: version conflict, current [39], provided [38]]] Status [409] [409]" id=dac76e7e kind=host location="connection.go:58" logger=datastore.elastic

Chad Bryan
Director of IT Infrastructure and Security
University of Northwestern Ohio
Lima OH

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