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Upgrade From Zenoss Core 4.2.4

Subject: Upgrade From Zenoss Core 4.2.4
Author: Krishnan Sankaran
Posted: 2018-10-30 02:29

Respected Experts,

            Good Day!!

            We employ zenoss core 4.2.4 which is running on cent OS 6.5, it works pretty good and monitors over 200 devices effectively. Could you please let me know how to upgrade from v4.2.4 to any lastest version of zenoss core. If you find this question abstract, i shall try to break it down; could you please let me know how to upgrade from v4.2.4 to newer versions without lossing all devices. I'd really appriciate if you may throw some light on this question and help me with recommendations.

             Thanks & Regards,

Thanks & Regards,
// KSN

Subject: RE: Upgrade From Zenoss Core 4.2.4
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2018-10-31 07:07

You cannot get from 4.2.4 to the latest 6.2.1 - effectively, you will have to start again; it is a VERY different product.

You can get to the latest 4.x version - 4.2.5 with the latest update pack SUP743.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Upgrade From Zenoss Core 4.2.4
Author: Krishnan Sankaran
Posted: 2018-10-31 07:42

Hi Jane, 

     Thanks for your response, I went through forum posts and understood that it is highly improbable to upgrade from 4.2.4 to 6.x.
     I shall start afresh with 6.2.1. I will install centOS 7.5 and allocate necessary resources in vSphere.
     Whilst searching for installation guide, stumbbled upon link I'm not familiar with docker/Servicd. Any advise from you please, on how to install/configure core 6.2.1 over CentOS 7.5 

Best Regards,

// KSN

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