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Received wrong download links in the e-mail (Zenoss Core)

Subject: Received wrong download links in the e-mail (Zenoss Core)
Author: Matej Maraković
Posted: 2018-05-14 05:17


I have received wrong download links inside the "Let's Get Started With Zenoss Core" e-mail. I wanted to download .ISO master and delegate, but those links lead to .OVA downloads (.OVA links link to .OVA downloads as expected). I can't find .ISO download links anywhere.

So if anybody could provide me with .ISO download links (or point me in the right direction for download) that would be greatly appreciated.


Subject: RE: Received wrong download links in the e-mail (Zenoss Core)
Author: Marco Senft
Posted: 2018-05-14 07:59

I just tried to get the download links email as well, however I did not receive anything.
Anyway, I found another way to get to the OVA/ISO files: when logged in on, scroll down and find the download links on the right side under the title "Latest Core Downloads". The download link for the Delegate OWA seems to be screwed up, I fixed the "https://s3.ahttps//" part to "" by hand and it worked.
Probably somebody at Zenoss wants to fix this...

Marco Senft

Subject: RE: Received wrong download links in the e-mail (Zenoss Core)
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2018-05-16 09:38

I also hound the Core 6.1.2 OVA Delegate link screwed up but the the OVA Master and the 2 ISO links appear to work.  I'll see if I can bounce @John into fixing the Core 6.1.2 OVA Delegate link.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Received wrong download links in the e-mail (Zenoss Core)
Author: John Boyle
Posted: 2018-05-16 10:21

Hello everyone. I the update to those links has been requested and will go in effect today. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The latest links will always be on the TechZen site for members to download. The location of the links will be moving to a dedicated download library on TechZen before GalaxZ18. Another release is coming out soon as well as a number of ZenPacks moving from Commercial to Community status. We will keep y'all posted!



John Boyle
Technology Partnerships & Community Manager
Austin TX

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