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Core 6 install Serviced install conflict with docker using Josh directions

Subject: Core 6 install Serviced install conflict with docker using Josh directions
Author: rick parker
Posted: 2018-05-02 11:50

Core 6 install Serviced install dependency conflict with docker using Josh directions and packages from 
Zenoss. Any ideas?

rick parker
systems engineer
el segundo CA

Subject: RE: Core 6 install Serviced install conflict with docker using Josh directions
Author: rick parker
Posted: 2018-05-02 12:39

Error message screenshot, no info in google for this, also yum list does not show serviced is installed

rick parker
systems engineer
el segundo CA

Subject: RE: Core 6 install Serviced install conflict with docker using Josh directions
Author: Josh Foremaster
Posted: 2018-05-03 19:23

Hey Rick,
Did you get this working?  I'm going to check my doc and see if I've got errors.  I can touch base with you tomorrow if that works?


Josh Foremaster
Southern Utah University

Subject: RE: Core 6 install Serviced install conflict with docker using Josh directions
Author: rick parker
Posted: 2018-05-03 19:31

Hi Josh
Yes please tomorrow ran into more problems
1. a \etc\sysconfig/docker file didnt exist 
2. the docker restart fails 
3. the for image command fails 

- Edit your /etc/sysconfig/docker; ours looks like this: please note that I am using unused LVM volume group space, not dedicated block devices or disks, so my storage-driver is devicemapper, and my thinpooldev device is /dev/mapper/yada/yada
/etc/sysconfig/docker contents:
OPTIONS="--log-level=error --storage-driver devicemapper --exec-opt native.cgroupdriver=cgroupfs --storage-opt dm.mountopt=discard --storage-opt dm.thinpooldev=/dev/mapper/mylvmroup-docker--pool --dns= --bip="

save it, and then restart docker

#systemctl restart docker

#12 - Deploy the two of the .run Docker files you downloaded
create a directory called whatever you want; I used firststage; move and to it
cd to firststage, and run the following command:

for image in install-zenoss-*.run
/bin/echo -en "\nLoading $image..."
yes | ./$image

rick parker
systems engineer
el segundo CA

Subject: RE: Core 6 install Serviced install conflict with docker using Josh directions
Author: rick parker
Posted: 2018-05-04 17:26

I went to a hyperv install and have the control center running, all other services are in a starting state
going on 15 minutes. Any ideas?


rick parker
systems engineer
el segundo CA

Subject: RE: Core 6 install Serviced install conflict with docker using Josh directions
Author: rick parker
Posted: 2018-05-04 19:50

This is resolved, I installed from the .ISO

rick parker
systems engineer
el segundo CA

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