TECHZEN Zenoss User Community ARCHIVE  

How to get the latest version of Core?

Subject: How to get the latest version of Core?
Author: rick parker
Posted: 2018-04-30 19:32

How to get the latest version of Core? The email I received with download links I think are all 5.3


rick parker

Subject: RE: How to get the latest version of Core?
Author: John Boyle
Posted: 2018-05-01 16:11

Hello Rick! I checked your email and not sure why the 5.x links were sending out but here are the correct ones. I keep the latest ones one the TechZen homepage at this time and they are visible when you are signed in as a member. Before our GalaxZ18 user conference in June I will be switching to a download library page that will take up less space on the home page and be easier to find.



Zenoss Core Documentation
All of the documentation to install and configure Zenoss Core

These files are the installation images for a virtual appliance.
Zenoss Core .OVA (Master)
Zenoss Core .OVA (Delegate)

These files are the bootable installation images.
Zenoss Core .ISO (Master)
Zenoss Core .ISO (Delegate)

These files are for the offline installation of Zenoss Core.
Resource Manager (RM)
Zenoss Core
Zenoss Core Service Definitions
Control Center (CC)
CC Zookeeper
CC Internal Services
CC RPM (for offline upgrades)
Yum Repo Mirrors
CC 1.4 - Centos 7.1
CC 1.4 - Centos 7.2
CC 1.4 - Centos 7.3
CC 1.4 - Centros 7.4

John Boyle
Technology Partnerships & Community Manager
Austin TX

Subject: RE: How to get the latest version of Core?
Author: Craig Massey
Posted: 2018-05-01 16:29

Hi Rick,
The Core download files are available from the front screen of the forum (TechZen - Zenoss User Community Forums - Zenoss), on the right, scroll down a bit, "LATEST CORE DOWNLOADS".

This thread ( discusses some issues with the OVA and recommends an offline installation.

Craig Massey
Dimension Data
New Zealand

Subject: RE: How to get the latest version of Core?
Author: Craig Massey
Posted: 2018-05-01 16:30

Or what John said. :-)

Craig Massey
Dimension Data
New Zealand

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Core 6 install Serviced install conflict with docker using Josh directions
Core 6.1.2 OVA