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Core 6.1.2 OVA

Subject: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2018-04-26 06:51

I've downloaded and implemented the recent Core 6.1.2 Master OVA.  I've reduced memory from 32GB to 20GB, and processors from 8 to 4.

I've setup DNS entries and changed hostname and IP address, and timezone. - then reboot.

I've installed the Zenoss Core application - everything apparently OK.

Started the Infrastructure - opentsdb took some time to come up but says it is running OK.

Started Zenoss Core application.  MetricShipper never gets there (I've waited 18 hours now).  This means zenhub doesn't come up fully either. 

After two total restarts of the box - same results - I have just stopped the Zenoss Core application (and 31 children) and restarted and this time it has come up completely!

Anyone else seen this?  Suggestions?


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Jason Olson
Posted: 2018-04-26 11:19

I have. On our install, since the upgrade from 5.3.0 to 6.1.1 I now have to manually restart Zenoss at each reboot or Zenoss won't start on its own. Annoying, but that's what it is with this release looks like.

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Sean Hummel
Posted: 2018-04-26 20:54

We've noticed the same behaviors with the OVF, slow performance, and usually after a few days the Zope memory usage is so high the only way to actually login to the Zenoss application is to restart it and try again.

So far, building from scratch and not using the OVF has been the most stable for us, more work up front, but doesn't seem to have as many issues.

Sean Hummel
Department of Veterans Affairs

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Craig Massey
Posted: 2018-04-29 17:16

When you say "building from scratch", without asking for a detailed breakdown, how do you go about that?

Craig Massey
Dimension Data
New Zealand

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Sean Hummel
Posted: 2018-04-29 20:45

You just have to start with a base install of CentOS 7 or RHEL7, download all the required files from the forums and follow the Control Center Installation guide.  Once Control Center is installed, you just have to follow the Core Installation guide and add the Zenoss Application Template.

Sean Hummel
Department of Veterans Affairs

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Craig Massey
Posted: 2018-04-30 16:11


Craig Massey
Dimension Data
New Zealand

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Josh Foremaster
Posted: 2018-05-01 18:54

I can post the document I use to build from scratch if you like.


Josh Foremaster

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Josh Foremaster
Posted: 2018-05-01 19:07

Actually, if you just search for my name (Josh Foremaster), the post with the link to the setup doc will show up.

Josh Foremaster
Southern Utah University

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Craig Massey
Posted: 2018-05-01 19:46

Yep, I had that filed away for reference.

I thought maybe Sean had another approach.

Craig Massey
Dimension Data
New Zealand

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Craig Massey
Posted: 2018-05-01 19:45

I have that from your other post thank-you, the one in the topic about installing on an existing host, unless you have updated it?

As you've offered; you talk about downloading an ISO for the master server. Sean's post talks about pulling the .run files down, which is what I had planned to do, using Ansible in a Vagrant against AWS if I can pull it off.
Is there any reason to use the ISO rather than pull the files down?

Craig Massey
Dimension Data
New Zealand

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Craig Massey
Posted: 2018-05-02 16:08

It occurred to me that for my approach that wouldn't work, the individual files require authentication to Techzen and that isn't sensible to do in an Ansible playbook.
I'm more likely to copy them from a repository on the machine I'm running Ansible from or use the synced drive.

Craig Massey
Dimension Data
New Zealand

Subject: RE: Core 6.1.2 OVA
Author: Josh Foremaster
Posted: 2018-05-03 19:19

Yeah, that's what happened to me too - for me, downloading the latest ISO was the sure way of getting all the required files, and ensuring they worked well together.


Josh Foremaster
Southern Utah University

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