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ZSD 6.1.1 - Openstack Provider View Modelling Error

Subject: ZSD 6.1.1 - Openstack Provider View Modelling Error
Author: Deep Kumar Hosally
Posted: 2018-04-04 10:57


We have recently setup Zenoss Service Dynamics and we are trying to integrate with Openstack:

Zenoss Version - 6.1.1
Openstack Provider View - 2.4.1
Openstack Tenant View - 1.2.4
Linux Monitor - 2.2.7

Openstack Version - Mitaka ( Supported by 2.4.1 Openstack Provider View Zenpack)

We are getting the below error while trying to model the Openstack after adding the Openstack Infrastructure end point:
Can you please help how to resolve this?

I could see a post with exactly same error posted earlier, but doesn't see any resolutions in the discussion.
Any help would be much appreciated.

2018-03-29 16:24:17,502 ERROR zen.ZenModeler: Unable to fill collection slots: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'Products.ZenHub.PBDaemon.RemoteException'>: : Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/opt/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/", line 105, in inner

return callable(*args, **kw)

File "/opt/zenoss/Products/ZenHub/services/", line 80, in remote_getDeviceConfig

device = self.getPerformanceMonitor().findDeviceByIdExact(name)

File "/opt/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/", line 218, in findDeviceByIdExact

dev = self.dmd.Devices.findDeviceByIdExact(deviceName)

File "/opt/zenoss/Products/ZenModel/", line 549, in findDeviceByIdExact

if == devicename:

AttributeError: 'Endpoint' object has no attribute 'id'


Deep Kumar Hosally
Solution Architect

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