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zenoss vmware VM-adding the ability to the VM to scan for devices/hosts

Subject: zenoss vmware VM-adding the ability to the VM to scan for devices/hosts
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-17 00:41

Hi all,

yesterday i installed a virtual appliance of zenoss 4.2.5.VMWARE. Obviously the VM is preconfigured with network settings.
i have noticed that the VM can not detect any hosts/machines/devices - only the PC it is installed on. since i would like to learn how to operate zenoss and consider it as a monitoring solution i would like to change the VM's network settings to enable it to see the network.
a suggestion was made to add a second network card on the VM and when i tried it i got an error that no PCI(e) slots are free so i should delete some device and try again. is it possible to add another PCI bus if the VM runs on VMware player
another suggestion was to create a VPN connection between the VM and my PC. I have no idea how to accomplish that since i am new to linux.

any help would be appreciated.



Subject: It's not clear which network
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2015-06-17 06:00

It's not clear which network do you want to monitor and where is your Zenoss VM.

I guess that you are using NAT or host only interface. Try to change it to bridged and your VM will be in the same network as your computer.
The restart VM.


Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: Is DHCP available in your
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2015-06-17 08:38

Is DHCP available in your network

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: tried creating the VM on virtualBox
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-18 07:49

took the files extracted from the file downloaded from Zenoss site (zenos and i created a new virtual machine on VirtualBox. added a second NIC with network settings "bridged adapter"+"promiscuous mode=allow all".
rebooted the machine and the machine boot hangs on trying to set network settings for eth1.
another interesting thing- when i cancelled the second VM nic and rebooted the VM it got an IP address the DHCP config on VirtualBox is not configured to allocate IP addresses from that range...same goes for the DHCP on the physical network..
If i use the same VMDK on VMware player- the Zenoss machine shows a different IP address for connecting via web browser to administer Zenoss (

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