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Rabbit Sql not istalling

Subject: Rabbit Sql not istalling
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-11-24 04:06

Hii while installing the Zenoss 4.2.5 i am getting an error near installing the rabbit sql.Previously i did not get such type of errors earlier.

2014-11-24 03:13:54 (16.3 KB/s) - rabbitmq-server-2.8.7-1.noarch.rpm saved [2932970/2932970]
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again
Command failure: yum --enablerepo=epel -y --nogpgcheck localinstall rabbitmq-server-2.8.7-1.noarch.rpm


Subject: Try as root:
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2014-11-24 04:21

Try as root:
yum clean all
yum --enablerepo=epel -y --nogpgcheck localinstall rabbitmq-server-2.8.7-1.noarch.rpm

Do you have any error output from last command

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: I am using auto deploy script
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-11-24 05:16

I am using auto deploy script for installing the zenoss. still can i use the command to install rabbitmq

Subject: Hi i am getting the same
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-11-24 06:59

Hi i am getting the same error when using the command u have given

[root@localhost ~]# yum --enablerepo=epel -y --nogpgcheck localinstall rabbitmq-server-2.8.7-1.noarch.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit, security
Determining fastest mirrors

Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again

Subject: Probably
Author: Jan Garaj
Posted: 2014-11-24 08:35

1.) SSL problem:
2.) Selected mirror problem:

Devops Monitoring Expert advice: Dockerize/automate/monitor all the things.

DevOps stack: Docker / Kubernetes / Mesos / Zabbix / Zenoss / Grafana / Puppet / Ansible / Vagrant / Terraform / Elasticsearch

Subject: this could also be caused by
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2014-11-24 13:34

this could also be caused by your corporate firewall blocking the mirror.

Andrew Kirch

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