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Missing sections of data in graphs

Subject: Missing sections of data in graphs
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-11-05 15:58

I have installed the base Zenoss Community edition 4.2.5 and am monitoring a single Windows Server for testing using WinRM. The issue i'm having is that the graphs for utilisation (CPU, RAM, HDD) etc are showing large gaps. Just wondering if someone can point in a direction for troubleshooting

Subject: I have also noticed this
Author: Benjamin Dronen
Posted: 2014-11-05 17:15

I have also noticed this about my throughput graphs on all of my switches. Even after upgrading to 4.2.5, I still continue to have this problem.

Zenoss Community Edition 4.2.5
Centos 5

Subject: Gaps in graphs should be
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2014-11-06 16:56

Gaps in graphs should be getting better over time. I'd suggest making sure that you have enough resources and install the NaN ZenPack from the ZenPack Directory (over on

Andrew Kirch

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