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How to configure remote Mysql with Zenoss Core 4.2 on Cent OS 6

Subject: How to configure remote Mysql with Zenoss Core 4.2 on Cent OS 6
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-08-13 01:32

I have installed Zenoss Core 4.2 on Cent OS 6 and Mysql separately.

While starting Zenoss for the first time it should create ZODB database in the remote Mysql machine. As we are using separate(remote) mysql we need to tell to zenoss about the remote Mysql.

But I am not able to see those entries in the /opt/zenoss/bin/zenoss_init_pre configuration file.

Here the example entries :
export MYSQLHOST=""
export RABBITMQ_HOST="localhost"

It is trying to contact the local mysql. I have checked the startup scripts of zenoss and it seems we need to change many entries to specify the remote Mysql. I dont think that is the right way to do it.

I have tried distributed things in Zenoss Enterprise. Please help me if any one tried Zenoss core with remote Mysql.

obulesu Donthu

Subject: Did you edit $ZENHOME/etc
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2014-08-13 18:21

Did you edit $ZENHOME/etc/globals.conf That is where you set a remote DB server

Subject: How to configure remote Mysql with Zenoss Core 4.2 on Cent OS 6
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-07-20 09:44

HI @Jstanley, I have the following output in my$ZENHOME/etc/globals.conf

zodb-db-type mysql
zodb-host localhost
zodb-port 3306
zodb-db zodb
zodb-user zenoss
zodb-password aEHZiACtpXXXXX
zodb-admin-user root
zodb-admin-password zenoss
zodb-cachesize 1000

amqphost localhost
amqpport 5672
amqpvhost /zenoss
amqpuser zenoss
amqppassword aEHZiACtpXXXXX
amqpusessl 0
amqpadminport 55672
amqpadminusessl 0

zep-db-type mysql
zep-host localhost
zep-port 3306
zep-db zenoss_zep
zep-user zenoss
zep-password aEHZiACXXXXXX
zep-admin-user root
zep-admin-password zenoss
zep-uri http://localhost:8084
hubpassword aEHZiACtpXXXX

I need to create all those databases remotes o just need one likezodb.

Because I need to use a mysql database remotely and I aren't know If I need to create one database or all those database andfor anyonecreate their credentials .

ty a lot!


Subject: zodb-host and zep-host need
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2016-07-26 12:51

zodb-host and zep-host need to be changed to your mysql server.. you may need to change the port as well (depending on how you setup mysql)

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