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Problem Reading Command Data Source

Subject: Problem Reading Command Data Source
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-02-22 14:09

I have created a basic script .sh file in a format the Zenoss 4.2.5 is able to read perfectly using the COMMAND data type. I want to use the sample script file in Zenoss 5 but I am unable to get Zenoss to read it. I am guessing that I have to have the file in the container Zenoss is running in, so I created the sample file after attaching to Zope. Still no luck. Where does this script file need to be on Zenoss 5 in order to get information from it using a COMMAND monotoring template

Subject: Try wrapping your added
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-02-24 19:59

Try wrapping your added script in a ZenPack, put the script in the /libexec folder of the ZenPack and reference to it with the following TALES expression:


This way you should not have to worry about handling the script's location in a container, the ZenPack should do this for you, and you also neatly package your extra functionality in a ZenPack.

Note that I did this in Zenoss 4, have not yet done it in Zenoss 5 but I am hoping this still works.


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