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Zenoss server not showing device inventory :

Subject: Zenoss server not showing device inventory :
Author: Benoit Wattiez
Posted: 2019-10-24 05:29


We have a problem with our Zenoss recently.
Our version is 4.2.3 (has been running for a long time).

At the "DashBoard" level, the list of "Device Issues" regularly disappears and an error message appears at the top of the page:Connection refused. Check zeneventserver status on <a href="/zport/About/zenossInfo">Daemons</a>

We continue to receive email alerts as usual.
We have already tried to recreate the indexes by deleting the two folders: summary and archive ==> but it didn't change anything.

Can someone help me?
Thank you very much !


Benoit Wattiez

Subject: RE: Zenoss server not showing device inventory :
Author: Benoit Wattiez
Posted: 2019-10-29 11:40


Can't anyone help me? :(


Benoit Wattiez

Subject: RE: Zenoss server not showing device inventory :
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2019-10-30 05:19

Hmmm .  What does your Event Console look like?  Can you open it?  Is it being updated as you would expect?

I think you are correct in suspecting a problem with the events database, based on that error message, and you have already taken the first step I would suggest which is to clear the indexes.

Have you tried looking at zeneventserver.log - that's the daemon that inserts events into the zenoss_zep events database and also drives the process to generate notifications (which it sounds like are still working???).

How big is your zenoss_zep database?  With Zenoss 4.2.3, there may have been later updates that improved the use of the mysql database.    How long do you keep archived events - and do you need to keep them that long?  If you have a huge zenoss_zep database there certainly used to be forum appends around to help reduce its size and its indexes - but it will probably take a long time; the zenoss-provided utilities for database pruning were very inefficient so much better to work directly with mysql.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Zenoss server not showing device inventory :
Author: Benoit Wattiez
Posted: 2019-10-30 10:36


Thank you for your answer.
The dashboard displays the devices correctly but it disappears from time to time (I get this: see zenoss_issue.PNG).

Indeed, I have already deleted the indexes but that hasn't changed anything.
For the "zeneventserver.log", I don't see much of an error (and nothing with index), except this:
2019-10-30T14:26:27.572[qtp1133736492-3021 - http://localhost:8084/zeneventserver/api/1.0/events/tag_severities] ERROR org.jboss.resteasy.core.SynchronousDispatcher - Failed executing POST /1.0/events/tag_severities
I don't know if it's important.
I added the file zeneventserver.log as an attachment. I don't know if you have time to take a look around?

- The events are well recorded in the logs.
- The services are well started (see: zenoss_issue_Deamons.PNG).
- About the size of the database, I don't know if it's correct (see zenoss_issue_size.PNG).
- I don't know how long we keep the events. Where can I look at this parameter? (the discs are not full).

What do you advise me to do to improve the situation?

Perform a zenoss update?

best regards,


Benoit Wattiez




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