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metricshipper and zope crash every few days

Subject: metricshipper and zope crash every few days
Author: David Whiteside
Posted: 2019-07-05 12:20

Every few days, Zope and MetricShipper keep crashing.  I don't see any signs of a full disk pool or memory. 

The only error I see in the metricshipper or zope logs that looks relevant is below:
July 5th 2019, 09:29:21.496
I0705 15:29:21.496229 00069 pool.go:40] Unable to connect to consumer ws://localhost:8080/ws/metrics/store

Any troubleshooting tips or logs I should be looking at to see why Zope is crashing?

David Whiteside
HPC System Administrator

Subject: RE: metricshipper and zope crash every few days
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2019-07-07 09:53

Hi David

Have a look at



Subject: RE: metricshipper and zope crash every few days
Author: David Whiteside
Posted: 2019-07-08 16:28

Thanks Arthur.   I think thats the same issue I am running into and the workaround is pretty simple.

I just added this to my root crontab:
0 23 * * * /usr/bin/serviced service restart 'User Interface'

- David

David Whiteside
HPC System Administrator

Subject: RE: metricshipper and zope crash every few days
Author: Arthur
Posted: 2019-07-09 12:01

Cool :-)


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