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Zenoss RM Licensing

Subject: Zenoss RM Licensing
Author: Devon Solomon
Posted: 2019-06-24 22:15

How do you read and understand what is on the Licensing page in Zenoss RM? under License detail there are data with various numbers in licensed amount and reported amount. where do these numbers come from? also how does it calculate the Guest/VM count and Linked Guest? I always assumed we went off of Device count.

Devon Solomon

Subject: RE: Zenoss RM Licensing
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2019-06-28 14:01

Not sure what menu that is, but it most likely uses the callhome script.


Gist of the VM count is the number of VM components - the number of VM components that have a device link. (Is Guest Device column populated?) vSphere ZP links VMs to devices in Zenoss using MAC addresses.


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