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Using OVA Community Edition Zenoss

Subject: Using OVA Community Edition Zenoss
Author: Willy Hidayat
Posted: 2019-02-28 04:07

Hi all, i want to ask did you have any specific documentation about how to use control center zenoss like i'm using right now??

About how to monitoring my CPU or host engine and to made that graph working on real-time. Here the image that i've been working right now. I'm using ova image and running on virtual box, because my device doesn't have enough RAM and i'm only use zenoss for my final project only just on small scale. I want right now is control center zenoss are running and have a real-time monitoring.

I've run this zenoss on local network.

Your help and response are so helpfull for me, thank you

Willy Hidayat
Pontianak Kota



Subject: RE: Using OVA Community Edition Zenoss
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2019-06-07 08:25

Control Center is the back end "controller" of the Zenoss services. You will need to install the Zenoss application (See the docs at to do monitoring of any network/servers/etc.


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