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Creating graphs from IOD with 3 values

Subject: Creating graphs from IOD with 3 values
Author: Todor Dimov
Posted: 2018-09-04 02:43

Is it possible to create a graph from a IOD that returns 3 values?
This is what we get from the OID:

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x = STRING: "0-0-0"

The "0"s represent different values. Is there a way to extract them separately so we can use them in a graph?

Thanks in advance.

Todor Dimov

Subject: RE: Creating graphs from IOD with 3 values
Author: Bill Negrelli
Posted: 2018-09-05 13:21

No - there is no way.  Zenoss is very limited when it comes to customization of its graphs and reports.  I would suggest looking at another product like Nagios.

Bill Negrelli

Subject: RE: Creating graphs from IOD with 3 values
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2019-06-07 09:36

Anything you can do in Nagios, you can do in Zenoss.

I was able to get this done using a simple CMD datasource (It can be done other ways.. use a script, create a new datasource, etc).

The command I used:
/usr/bin/bash -c 'output=$(snmpget -Oqv -v2c -c${here/zSnmpCommunity} ${here/manageIp}:${here/zSnmpPort}; pat="\"([^-]*)-([^-]*)-(.*)\""; [[ $$output =~ $$pat ]]; echo "OK | value1=$${BASH_REMATCH[1]} value2=$${BASH_REMATCH[2]} value3=$${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"'

I added 3 datapoints (value1, value2, value3), then added those to a graph.


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