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process management for "ethereal" processes

Subject: process management for "ethereal" processes
Author: Paul Giordano
Posted: 2018-08-03 17:38

So, I have systems that run processes, and they typically run all the time. But in a given time span, they may recycle, and sometimes Zenoss catches that opportunity of time, and reports that the processes are not there.

How do I set up a scenario where a particular occurrence has to happen several times before generating an event?

Paul Giordano
Senior Systems Engineer
Zethcon Corporation

Subject: RE: process management for "ethereal" processes
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2018-08-06 06:40

The /Status/OSProcess event generated when a process disappears is not easily customizable.  Do you really want to suppress the event or do you generate a notification (email, perhaps?) that you want to suppress?  If the latter, then it is easy enough in the notification to set a delay on the notification so if you set it to a bit over 3 minutes (the default polling interval for zenprocess) then, if the process comes back up in that time, then the notification won't happen.

If you really want to manipulate the /Status/OSProcess events, try looking at   for a sample transform that manipulates events based on a count.  At the end of that sample, you could check the existing_count and if it is only 1 then you might drop the event or set its severity to info.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: process management for "ethereal" processes
Author: Paul Giordano
Posted: 2018-08-06 10:03

Thanks Jane, that's perfect.

Paul Giordano
Senior Systems Engineer
Zethcon Corporation

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