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Kibana to meaningful

Subject: Kibana to meaningful
Author: Sachin Tewari
Posted: 2017-07-06 09:27

Hello Team,

I would like to analyze data from Kibana and dump it elsewhere for further use.
I can get the data via the Kibana console but I would like to access it via some API.

I need directions to make a start. How can I use cURL or REST API to get this data ?
Or other options thereof.

Thank you

Sachin Tewari

Subject: RE: Kibana to meaningful
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2017-07-07 00:11

The kibana data you are speaking of I'm assuming is the log data you can see under the control center logs section correct?

If that is the case, that data is stored in an elasticsearch DB.  Which by default is on the master control node and is accessible by connecting to port 9100.  Below is me grabbing all the indices for that log data.

[tim@zenoss5: /opt/serviced] curl http://localhost:9100/_aliases


[tim@zenoss5: /opt/serviced]

For the pulling out the data from the indices look into the elasticsearch APIs, like

Tim Caiazza

Subject: RE: Kibana to meaningful
Author: Sachin Tewari
Posted: 2017-07-21 05:05

Thank you @Tim

Sachin Tewari

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