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An error was encountered while publishing this resource. The requested resource ...

Subject: An error was encountered while publishing this resource. The requested resource does not exist.
Author: Simon Lange
Posted: 2017-06-25 09:51

When i schedule a report via email with

serviced service run zope reportmail run -u "http://localhost:8080/zport/dmd/Reports/Device%20Reports/MAC%20Addresses" -U reportuser -p pa$$word -a rcpto@domain.tld -f from@domain.tld

it works like a charme. I get an attached pdf which includes the Report.


if i schedule a report of a Graph Report with this:

serviced service run zope reportmail run -u "http://localhost:8080/zport/dmd/Reports/Graph%20Reports/Gameserver%20Instances" -U reportuser -p pa$$word -a rcpto@domain.tld -f from@domain.tld

i get an email with an attached pdf which only says:
"Site errorAn error was encountered while publishing this resource. The requested resource does not exist.Please click here to return to the Zenoss dashboard"

while executing the above commands no error accur. and the used user has all neccessary privileges.

Any Ideas?



Simon Lange
Head of DevOps
Spectacle Games Inc

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