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Unable to connect to performance metric data source

Subject: Unable to connect to performance metric data source
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2014-01-19 17:21

All my graphs get the following error, this is different from the error that is listed on the download page. Is this to be expected

An unexpected failure response was received from the server. The reported message is: {"id":"not-specified","errorMessage":"Unable to connect to performance metric data source","errorSource":"Connection refused"}

Subject: I see this in the /var/log
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2014-01-19 19:36

I see this in the /var/log/messages. Seems like it was happily creating metrics and then crashed.

Jan 13 21:02:13 localhost tsdb[388]: 2014-01-13 21:02:13,387 INFO [New I/O worker #1] UniqueId: Race condition, found ID for kind='metrics' name=''

Jan 13 21:02:13 localhost tsdb[388]: 2014-01-13 21:02:13,525 INFO [New I/O worker #1] ConnectionManager: [id: 0x72fb9f6d, / :> /


Subject: I've started over with a new
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2014-02-12 14:54

I've started over with a new VM and can't recreate the issue. Everything is working now.

Subject: And it is broken again. Womp
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2014-02-13 06:43

And it is broken again. Womp womp

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