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ZenPacks.ssv.InstalledSoftwareReport Installed software report

Subject: ZenPacks.ssv.InstalledSoftwareReport Installed software report
Author: nandha K
Posted: 2019-08-14 02:39

Hi All,

I have installed the zenpack to view the software installed in the device level for a group of systems.
The zenpack is installed in the 6.4 version
and able to view the output as in the

But I am unable to export the same data. A  empty excel sheet with below column headers gets downloaded .
Please help me to do the changes  to download the same

id classPath hwProductName productionState pingStatus snmpStatus

nandha K

Subject: RE: ZenPacks.ssv.InstalledSoftwareReport Installed software report
Author: nandha K
Posted: 2019-08-14 05:34

Hi All,

The export issue has been released in the latest zenpack


nandha K

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