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Unknown event "service is down"

Subject: Unknown event "service is down"
Author: Paul Giordano
Posted: 2019-07-12 10:44

So I just upgraded to 6.2.1 (from 6.1.2). I'm getting a "service is down" event, 
Exit status: program is dead and /var/run pid file exists​

Now the program is indeed down, in some cases doesn't exist on the server - but I can't see the pid file the message indicates. Where is this event defined? I can't for the life of me find it anywhere.

along the same lines, I get another "service is down" event for ip6tables. none of our servers run that. Is there a way to globally disable the event generation?

Neither of these scenarios triggered in 6.1.2.

As always, thanks in advance

Paul Giordano
Senior Systems Engineer
Zethcon Corporation

Subject: RE: Unknown event "service is down"
Author: Paul Giordano
Posted: 2019-07-15 11:05

OK, I found it. The services are set to start in chkconfig, and they either return 1 (no status command supported) or some other non-zero return code (ip6tables returns a 3 - not loaded; should not chkconfig on if not used.) Fixing that way - allow rc = 1, chkconfig not used services off.

Paul Giordano
Senior Systems Engineer
Zethcon Corporation

Subject: RE: Unknown event "service is down"
Author: Paul Giordano
Posted: 2019-07-15 16:08

One more item to note - there are a number of linux distribution supplied services that do not have status responses, and there are also a number of services that are enabled 'by default' that can be disabled.

Paul Giordano
Senior Systems Engineer
Zethcon Corporation

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