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Obtaining Event criteria in implementation of Zenoss Service Dynamics

Subject: Obtaining Event criteria in implementation of Zenoss Service Dynamics
Author: Michael Vlassis
Posted: 2017-12-06 16:51


I was wondering if there are sample scripts or API docs on how to generate a report of all the event possibilities we have in our implementation of Zenoss Service Dynamics ( 4.X). i.e. the goal is to try and list all the event types, what the different criteria are for alerting on Severe, warning etc. Any help or advice is appreciated!



Michael Vlassis

Subject: RE: Obtaining Event criteria in implementation of Zenoss Service Dynamics
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-12-07 03:52

You might have a look at my audit package on github -  .  This is a series of scripts to dump different types of objects out of the zodb database, including event classes, transforms and triggers&notifications.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Obtaining Event criteria in implementation of Zenoss Service Dynamics
Author: Michael Vlassis
Posted: 2017-12-07 14:02

Thanks Jane. I appreciate the help!


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