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Need help to create relations for STULZ air conditioning

Subject: Need help to create relations for STULZ air conditioning
Author: ValeruS
Posted: 2017-11-29 02:58

Hello .
Need help to create relations.
Help to create relation to monitor STULZ air conditioning
WIB 8000 is an interface between STULZ air conditioning units and the intranet/internet
WIB support snmp protocol.
WIB general oid is . (

Unit ID:  .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.29462. = STRING: "Stulz-01"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.29462. = STRING: "Stulz-02"
color Red is BUS ID (Bus 1 or Bus 2)
color Blue is Unit ID(Unit Name) ; every BUS can contain up to 32 Stulz Units

Temperature: .
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.29462. = INTEGER: 218
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.29462. = INTEGER: 213
color Green is sensor

How to create modeler to collect STULZ information.
something like that:
snmpGetTableMaps = (
                                   '.' : 'unitName',
                                    '.': 'unitReturnAirTemperature',

where is om.UnitName
om.snmpindex - is last 3 digit from oid (1.2.1)



Subject: RE: Need help to create relations for STULZ air conditioning
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-11-30 13:44

This isn't easy to help with through the forum.  References that might help are:  SDK monitoring tutorial for monitoring an SNMP device  The ZenPackDevelopers' Guide - look at chapter 9, SNMP LogMatch example ZenPack


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Need help to create relations for STULZ air conditioning
Author: ValeruS
Posted: 2017-12-06 02:31

Thanks Jane.

Maybe someone can help to create a new dictionary ?

Dictionary look:
Data = {
'1.1.1': {'unitReturnAirTemperature': 224, 'unitAirTemperature': 224, 'unitHumidity': 430, 'unitReturnAirHumidity': 431},
'1.1': {'unitName': 'Unit-01'},
'1.2': {'unitName': 'Unit-02'},
'1.2.1': {'unitReturnAirTemperature': 215, 'unitAirTemperature': 224, 'unitHumidity': 431, 'unitReturnAirHumidity': 399}

I do want to group data according the logic: 1.1.1's is grouped with 1.1's , and 1.2.1's is grouped with 1.2's
like that:

Data2 = {
'1.1.1': {'unitReturnAirTemperature': 224, 'unitAirTemperature': 224, 'unitHumidity': 430, 'unitReturnAirHumidity': 431, 'unitName': 'Unit-01'},
'1.2.1': {'unitReturnAirTemperature': 215, 'unitAirTemperature': 224, 'unitHumidity': 431, 'unitReturnAirHumidity': 399, 'unitName': 'Unit-02'}



Subject: RE: Need help to create relations for STULZ air conditioning
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-12-06 04:54

Not sure what help you want here?  That's a perfectly good way to create those dictionaries.

Get the ZenPack Developers' Guide -  , and have a look at Chapter 9 about the SNMP LogMatch sample ZenPack.  Section 9.6.2 shows an example of creating a component with SNMP data which I think may be close to what you want.

Section 16.4 will hopefully give you some hints and tips on testing and debugging modeler plugins.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Need help to create relations for STULZ air conditioning
Author: ValeruS
Posted: 2017-12-06 05:25

First want to tell you thanks for provided web links
Unfortunately I am not programmer and for me it is not easy understand information was provided by you.
I am looking some simple instruction and help about the dictionaries.

Thanks a lot
Best Regards


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