TECHZEN Zenoss User Community ARCHIVE  

Duration Threshold zenpack

Subject: Duration Threshold zenpack
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-08-07 21:59

Hi Team,

I am looking to configure the duration thresholds so that if that error is valid for certain amount of time then only the trigger needs to be generated.

Could you please help me out

Cant we configure the Duration thresholds for Zenoss Core

Subject: Not quite sure what you are
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2016-08-11 10:58

Not quite sure what you are asking for here.

You might look at the Notification dialogue (EVENTS -> Triggers -> Notifications). Each notification has a delay parameter you can set.

For example, if an event comes in and you only want to alert someone if it is still open 15 minutes later, set the delay to 900 (the parameter is in seconds).



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