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ZenPack Developers' Guide now publicly available!

Subject: ZenPack Developers' Guide now publicly available!
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2016-06-30 13:36


The first edition of the ZenPack Developers' Guide is now available on GitHub at . Click on ZenPack_DevGuide_V1.0.0_publish1_20160630.pdf . You get to see about the first 40 pages - you can select More to continue viewing online. To download, click the Raw button when viewing the doc and select where to save.

Enormous thanks to all those who contributed.

This is a living, working document. It has "TODO"s in it, and I suspect it always will have, though hopefully they will change.

More than happy to receive further input and comments. Be great if a few people could really stress the sample ZenPacks and provide input.

I know the Guide needs more input on Zenoss 5 and, as more people use it, I especially welcome contributions for that platform.

As things evolve, we will work out how best to provide and incorporate edits; for now, I have also put the outline reviewers Word doc on GitHub - download the same way. I suggest we use the ZenPack Development forum for discussions - . We could also try using the "Issues" tab on GitHub for feedback. Use what is easiest - if that is sending me email, do it!

Thanks again and I look forward Version 1.


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ZenPack Developers' Guide now publicly available!