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Zenpack Microsoft windows , Error on modeling after upgrade to 2.5.13

Subject: Zenpack Microsoft windows , Error on modeling after upgrade to 2.5.13
Author: Joan
Posted: 2016-06-20 01:58

I already opened an issue on github, but maybe someone on the forum found the same issue. I just upgraded the Microsoft Windows zenpack from 2.5.10 to 2.5.13, in one of the hosts I was already monitoring without issues just appeared an error when doing the modeling

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/", line 647, in processClient datamaps = plugin.process(device, results, self.log) File "/opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows-2.5.13.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/Microsoft/Windows/modeler/plugins/zenoss/winrm/", line 106, in process if computerSystem.DomainRole in (BACKUPDC, PRIMARYDC): AttributeError: 'Item' object has no attribute 'DomainRole'

This host is a windows 2008r2 with no domain roles (only a member of the domain) with iis installed

Subject: I tested the upcoming 2.7.0
Author: Joan
Posted: 2017-02-06 09:07

I tested the upcoming 2.7.0 version and I can confirm this error has been fixed, see the bug

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