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No data returned for command when modeling with VMwareESXiMonitor

Subject: No data returned for command when modeling with VMwareESXiMonitor
Author: Joan
Posted: 2014-11-14 03:33

I installed the vmware zenpack from here ( and I am trying to use it on a vsphere 5.5.

Once I set the user/password and installed all the dependencies (notably perl-libwww-perl.noarch), the server was properly modeled but with some issues:

- I get the "No data returned for command" message on my event log, tracing it on the logs running with debug, basically I do:

zencommand run -v 10 2>&1 | tee /tmp/d

This is an extract of the logs, it's strange because some of the hosts display the data without issues while others just show no output

2014-11-14 10:01:42,346 DEBUG zen.zencommand: Datasource: VMwareGuest Received exit code: 0 Output:
'guestperf|memUsage=599 memOverhead=32892 memConsumed=2039244 diskUsage=41 cpuUsageMin=159 cpuUsageMax=159 cpuUsageAvg=159 cpuUsage=39 adminStatus=1 operStatus=1\n'
2014-11-14 10:01:42,346 DEBUG zen.zencommand: Process ESXiVM/VMwareGuest stopped (0), 5.77 seconds elapsed
2014-11-14 10:01:42,346 DEBUG zen.zencommand: Running /usr/bin/perl
2014-11-14 10:01:42,836 DEBUG zen.zencommand: Datasource: VMwareGuest Received exit code: 0 Output:
2014-11-14 10:01:42,836 DEBUG zen.zencommand: Process ESXiVM/VMwareGuest stopped (0), 5.91 seconds elapsed
2014-11-14 10:01:42,836 DEBUG zen.zencommand: Running /usr/bin/perl
2014-11-14 10:01:43,231 DEBUG zen.zencommand: Datasource: VMwareGuest Received exit code: 0 Output:
'guestperf|memUsage=799 memOverhead=87192 memConsumed=7808332 diskUsage=89 cpuUsageMin=338 cpuUsageMax=338 cpuUsageAvg=338 cpuUsage=338 adminStatus=1 operStatus=1\n'

Is there any way I can see the exact commands that are called So I can reproduce them Using the zencommand still lacks some information.

Subject: Hey,
Author: Matt
Posted: 2014-11-14 07:36


you can run zencommand with the "showfullcommand" option.

zencommand run -v10 --showfullcommand

For an VMware Guest the command will be the following:
/usr/bin/perl /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ --server --username --password --options 'guestperf:' | tail -n1

Subject: Thanks for your help, with
Author: Joan
Posted: 2014-11-14 10:44

Thanks for your help, with this command I found three of the guest machines that don't show any output, I haven't figured yet what do they have in common, when I've got something I'll post it here.

Subject: Ok, I tracked it down to this
Author: Joan
Posted: 2014-11-17 04:30

Ok, I tracked it down to this code at the file

This call returns nothing and interrupts the execution of the code on certain circumstances
my $diskUsage = get_info($vm_view, $perfmgr_view, 'disk', 'usage', 'average');

Which is triggered by this code dying without any output
my $perf_data = $perfmgr_view->QueryPerf(querySpec => \@perf_query_spec);

So I guess there's something in that guest disk that provoking the issue (this disc is from a clonned guest but both are running normally according vmware console)

Subject: Hey,
Author: Matt
Posted: 2014-12-12 20:09


I apologize for the delayed response.

I would love to spend more time writing ZenPacks and helping you guys, but payed job comes first. ;)

I'll try to reproduce the problem next week (by cloning a VM) and do some more debugging.

Thanks for your patience.

Subject: Still with errors
Author: Joan
Posted: 2014-12-17 08:58

Hello, I have been looking at this, still no clue, even to the point that if I call twice the same command (extractred from the logs with the fullcommand flag) I get results only once for the guests where the scripts are working (never got any result on the nonworking ones)

Subject: Hey,
Author: Matt
Posted: 2014-12-17 16:36


I cloned one of my VMs today and tried to reproduce without success...

Which Zenoss, vSphere SDK and ESXi versions are you using

I'll try to create a script which will dump the raw performance metrics returned by the ESXi Host.

But this might take a couple of days (still have to do some Christmas shopping). ;)

Subject: I was on christmas too, it's
Author: Joan
Posted: 2015-01-08 11:03

I was on christmas too, it's been a long time. this are my versions
zenoss: 4.2.5
Both esx servers are on 5.5 (one on update 1 and the other on update2)


Subject: Hi Mohammed,
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2017-04-04 22:28

Hi Mohammed,

Newb in Zenoss... how do I do this say when I want to monitor strings from multiple windows log file using regex. Can i do this?


log directory under 


any logfile named = U_ve*.log

with search strings





Please advise. Thanks!

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