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SK02: NetView / ITM Integration Workshop

Classroom Workshop
1.5 days


This is an advanced workshop covering integration techniques between Tivoli NetView and IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM). Both NetView on Unix and NetView on Windows will be discussed. The workshop will focus largely on the new servmon and itmquery functions available with NetView 7.1.4.


Students must have a good working knowledge of Unix & shellscripting, Tivoli NetView and ITM. Some knowledge of Tivoli Framework and Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) would also be beneficial. Prior attendance on basic NetView and ITM classes, or equivalent minimum experience, is mandatory.


This course is aimed at technical IBM consultants, business partners and customers requiring in-depth knowledge of NetView / ITM integration capabilities.

Curriculum Relationship

This workshop requires previous attendance on basic NetView and ITM classes. It touches on Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC). Students requiring more details on NetView / ITM / TEC integration should consider attending SK01 "NetView / TEC Integration Workshop" and SK03 "NetView / TEC / ITM Integration Workshop".


At the end of the class, students should have significantly enhanced their ability to craft integration solutions between NetView and ITM.

A large practical content should have increased a student's confidence and experience in customizing these options.

Sample code will be made available to students from which they can develop their own customized solutions


Further Details

email: jane.curry@skills-1st.co.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 1628 782565

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