TECHZEN Zenoss User Community ARCHIVE  

Has Zenoss dropped support for Core and the Community?

Subject: Has Zenoss dropped support for Core and the Community?
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2019-08-13 06:53

Zenoss - please could we have some input?

As Andrew asks, where is the Core version of 6.4?  Indeed, we never saw OVAs for 6.3.2
I have received several notes personally and/or seen posts in IRC to the effect that new users cannot join the forum.
Both the forum and IRC are moribund to say the least.
Zack announced he would be the new community manager back in December 2018 but we have seen no input since.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Has Zenoss dropped support for Core and the Community?
Author: Jarred Masterson
Posted: 2019-08-14 18:40

Good Question Jane!!!!

I would like to know this as well. I like Zenoss Core, been working with it since version 3. But if corp is just done with it, we would all appreciate being told! If I need to dig into Prometheus or some other project I guess I'll do what I have to. It will be a sad day for me...

Jarred Masterson
Director of Technology
East Central BOCES
Limon CO

Subject: RE: Has Zenoss dropped support for Core and the Community?
Author: Chris Buchleiter
Posted: 2019-08-23 12:23

I'd also like to know the status on Core, and if it has been dropped, what's the recommend platform for Zenpack development?

Chris Buchleiter
Solutions II

Subject: RE: Has Zenoss dropped support for Core and the Community?
Author: Chris De Coster
Posted: 2019-08-28 09:22

No reaction... bad sign I'm afraid :-(


Subject: RE: Has Zenoss dropped support for Core and the Community?
Author: Mark Johnston
Posted: 2019-08-29 10:37

I'll also put up my hand wanting to know the answer to this.

Subject: RE: Has Zenoss dropped support for Core and the Community?
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2019-09-03 17:28

Hi!  So I'm the Andrew that Jane references in the first post.  I've continued asking around and found out that there's issues with the current releases.  Core definitely isn't dead, and without support, dropping these on the community would be at least something of a disservice.  I'll provide updates as I get them.

Andrew Kirch
AWS Principle Architect
ECS Tuning

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