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no such image when backing up zenoss 6

Subject: no such image when backing up zenoss 6
Author: David Whiteside
Posted: 2019-06-04 16:28

Any idea why I can't get backups to work on a newly installed ZenOSS 6 core system?

[root@zenoss-server-iam]# serviced backup /opt/serviced/var/backups
no such image

[root@zenoss-server-iam]# journalctl --since "2019-06-04 14:29:00" |grep image
Jun 04 14:29:47 HOSTNAME serviced[20274]: time="2019-06-04T20:29:47Z" level=info msg="Unable to get history for image zenoss/hbase:24.0.8" error="no such image" location="docker.go:110" logger=dfs.docker
Jun 04 14:29:47 HOSTNAME serviced[20274]: time="2019-06-04T20:29:47Z" level=info msg="Could not get size for images." error="no such image" location="dfs.go:206" logger=facade

David Whiteside
HPC System Administrator

Subject: RE: no such image when backing up zenoss 6
Author: David Whiteside
Posted: 2019-06-04 16:37

I had to re-tag every entry within journalct and it fixed it.  It took a few iterations (each time I fixed one another would appear in the log).  Below is an example of how I fixed one specific service.

[root@zenoss-server-iam]# docker ps |grep opentsdb
155f4a65d82e localhost:5000/d5ig9lx0u0hnap5fuuxxq62ei/opentsdb:latest "/serviced/service..." About an hour ago Up About an hour 19l0kql1e7h9e7fa8yujs0hql-0
fc16da1c2779 zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v61 "/bin/sh -c 'trap ..." About an hour ago Up About an hour>4242/tcp,>8888/tcp,>9090/tcp,>58443/tcp,>8443/tcp,>58888/tcp serviced-isvcs_opentsdb

[root@zenoss-server-iam]# docker tag localhost:5000/d5ig9lx0u0hnap5fuuxxq62ei/opentsdb:latest zenoss/opentsdb:24.0.8

David Whiteside
HPC System Administrator

Subject: RE: no such image when backing up zenoss 6
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2019-06-07 08:28

Few questions for you.

What version of Zenoss/Control Center?
Did you install using the appliance or install files?
Did you start the Zenoss application at all before running the backup?


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