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Purge Rabbitmq in Zenoss 5.x

Subject: Purge Rabbitmq in Zenoss 5.x
Author: Devon Solomon
Posted: 2017-06-12 10:14

How do i purge zenoss.queues.zep.rawevents in rabbitmq on Zenoss RM 5.x?

Devon Solomon

Subject: RE: Purge Rabbitmq in Zenoss 5.x
Author: Brian Schimmoller
Posted: 2017-06-12 13:57

I don't believe the purge script exists in Zenoss 5. I ended up deleting all of my queues and recreating them using the steps listed here:
Working with Queues - Zenoss Wiki
Zenoss remove preview
Working with Queues - Zenoss Wiki
zenoss stop $ sudo su - # become root # export VHOST="/zenoss" # export USER="zenoss" # export PASS="zenoss" # replace it with $amqppassword from $ZENHOME/etc/global.conf, if needed # rabbitmqctl stop_app # rabbitmqctl reset # rabbitmqctl start_app # rabbitmqctl add_vhost $VHOST # rabbitmqctl add_user "$USER" "$PASS" # rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p "$VHOST" "$USER" '.*' '.*' '.*' # rabbitmqctl -p $VHOST list_queues # check if all queues exist # exit # back to zenoss user $ zenoss start
View this on Zenoss >

There is a section on recreating rabbitmq in the below link as well and it's more focused on Zenoss 5.
How to Recover Control Center from Hardware Failure
Zenoss remove preview
How to Recover Control Center from Hardware Failure
Applies To Zenoss 5.x Summary Hardware failure in Control Center can take various forms, including: Running out of disk space on one or more of the partitions that store Control Center, Docker o...
View this on Zenoss >

Subject: RE: Purge Rabbitmq in Zenoss 5.x
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-06-14 06:17

I can find the zenq utility provided you attach to the RabbitMQ container as the zenoss user:

serviced service attach RabbitMQ su zenoss -l

zenq --help                         gives you usage

zenq purge zenoss.queues.zep.rawevents    should delete all events in that queue

Not actually tried the purge on a Zenoss 5 system so please let me know if it works (preferably having taken a backup / snapshot).


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

Subject: RE: Purge Rabbitmq in Zenoss 5.x
Author: Axel Sydow
Posted: 2018-11-05 03:01

works with zenoss 5

Axel Sydow

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