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ESX - Hight number of sessions idle on virtual center and MSSQL 2008 NOT R2

Subject: ESX - Hight number of sessions idle on virtual center and MSSQL 2008 NOT R2
Author: Giovanni Parisi
Posted: 2017-06-08 09:41

Hello everyone,

we have installed Zenpack VMware ESXi Monitor 2.0.6 on zenoss core manager 4.2.5.
We have just add user and password in zproperties (Credentials for the virtual center server).
After 7 days we had about 1400 idle sessions for the configured user.

This problem has saturated connections to the virtual center and blocking VMware operations!

Is there a way to limit the number of connections (from zenoss) to the virtual center?
Or is it the task of the virtual center management team to verify this?

just another question,

There is a zenpack to monitor MSSQL 2008 clusters not R2?
We could verify that powershell functions/commands are not accepted.
How did you solve it?

Best regads,

Giovanni Parisi

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