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Setting up Zenoss notifications

Subject: Setting up Zenoss notifications
Author: Henrik Olovsson
Posted: 2017-06-08 03:03

We are trying to configure Zenoss 5.2.4 and have a problem with the notification schedule for redundant power supply. The trigger is working since we receive a mail each time power supply is down during test, but as soon as the schedule is enabled the trigger works spontaneously and not always within the configured date and time.

We have verified Zenoss time and the time zone for each user.

The purpose is for Zenoss to send us a mail if a power supply is down outside business hours. We have the schedule enabled from
17:00 (5 PM) and 900 minutes which should result in 8 AM as shown in the attachment.

What have we missed?




Subject: RE: Setting up Zenoss notifications
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2017-06-08 09:33

Did you setup the trigger to go along with the notification?  What does that trigger config look like?  And is the notification subscribed to the correct trigger?

Tim Caiazza

Subject: RE: Setting up Zenoss notifications
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2017-06-08 09:36

Crap sorry I didn't read you question closely enough, sounds like the trigger and notification part are working.

Tim Caiazza

Subject: RE: Setting up Zenoss notifications
Author: Brian Schimmoller
Posted: 2017-06-08 13:04

Try using UTC time instead of your local timezone.

Subject: RE: Setting up Zenoss notifications
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2017-06-08 14:30

Yeah on my machine it looks like the zenactiond container is looking for times in UTC.

If you are still having issues after that you might want to try to run the zenactiond process in debug mode and look through the logs
[root@zenoss5: ~] serviced service attach zenactiond
[root@1aca6c00804b /]# su zenoss
(zenoss) [zenoss@1aca6c00804b /]$ zenactiond restart -v 10

Then in /opt/zenoss/log/zenactiond.log . you should see something like this 
2017-06-08 18:26:24,604 DEBUG zen.notifications: Notification is enabled: TestWindows
2017-06-08 18:26:24,605 DEBUG zen.notifications: Notification has (1) windows.
2017-06-08 18:26:24,605 DEBUG zen.notifications: Notification has enabled window: Test
2017-06-08 18:26:24,605 DEBUG zen.notifications: Window is active: Test

Tim Caiazza

Subject: RE: Setting up Zenoss notifications
Author: Jane Curry
Posted: 2017-06-12 07:41

I think you should also find an Info severity event when a notification is activated / deactivated.  I would try it with a short-period schedule for testing.


Jane Curry
Skills 1st United Kingdom

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