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Where is the serviced config file located?

Subject: Where is the serviced config file located?
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2017-06-07 23:17

So there is the application template file on the command control host, /opt/serviced/templates/.  But after I start the zenoss application up and tweak the number of instances running in the control center app where are those changes saved to?  I don't think these changes are in memory, because if I restart the serviced process with systemctl serviced restart those changes remain.  At the same time I could be horrible wrong.  Anyone have an idea?

Tim Caiazza

Subject: RE: Where is the serviced config file located?
Author: Tim Caiazza
Posted: 2017-07-07 00:12

Found it, the serviced config is stored in an elasticsearch DB on the master control node (by default).

Tim Caiazza

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