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Installing Zenoss without Virtual Machines

Subject: Installing Zenoss without Virtual Machines
Author: Tim Meads
Posted: 2018-05-31 14:54

In the past we had a deployment of Zenoss 4.2. It died a horrid death (Zope is still running so I can atleast pull the data from it) but I would like to run a new version of Zenoss on a new machine. 

The machine I have does not have any virtual machine software on it and I don't intend on using any virtual machine software. I'd like it to be 100% self contained on one machine. 

Can this be done? From what I think I need to do, is install the Control Center and then from there the rest of the aspects? Is this correct? Can anyone give me the path of what needs installed first, second, etc etc? The documentation they give you for 6.1 is pretty crazy and doesn't seem to be in order.

Tim Meads
NOC Supervisor
Mountain West Technologies Network

Subject: RE: Installing Zenoss without Virtual Machines
Author: Tim Meads
Posted: 2018-07-01 03:41

I found the answer to my question on my own....

Sad to say this could have easily been answered on this forum but was not. The most horrid deal is that not a single person answered. Makes me wonder if this community / project is dead...

Tim Meads
NOC Supervisor
Mountain West Technologies Network

Subject: RE: Installing Zenoss without Virtual Machines
Author: Serge VS
Posted: 2018-07-01 04:20

You are welcomed to try Zenoss Deployment tool .

The project goal is to provide effortless Zenoss core deployment to a bare bone server or a virtual host.


Subject: RE: Installing Zenoss without Virtual Machines
Author: Jay Stanley
Posted: 2018-07-02 08:47

I always find it amazing when people complain about not getting a quick response. Especially on a weekend, leading up to a holiday.

Glad you found the answer yourself, I assume through the documentation.

For others referencing this in the future. All the information you need is in the documentation.

If you reference the Zenoss Community Edition Installation Guide, under the "Non-appliance deployment", it will tell you what needs to be done. It does reference two other documents, the Planning Guide (Which you should always read FIRST) and then the Control Center Installation Guide, which gets installed first, then Zenoss on top of that.


Subject: RE: Installing Zenoss without Virtual Machines
Author: Tim Meads
Posted: 2018-07-03 13:46


Did you happen to notice I originally posed this in MAY, not June? It's been over a month.

The non-appliance description is somewhat cryptic and nothing spelled out entirely what needed to be done. Luckily searching the forums I found a "Zenoss Clean 611 install' guide someone had typed up. I followed that to the letter and my instance of Zenoss is running strong.

Tim Meads
NOC Supervisor
Mountain West Technologies Network

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