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Zenoss Core 5 - /opt/serviced/images not creating with v5.09 (Resolved)

Subject: Zenoss Core 5 - /opt/serviced/images not creating with v5.09 (Resolved)
Author: Ken Jenkins
Posted: 2015-12-18 14:46

Zenoss Core 5 - /opt/serviced/images not creating with v5.09

After installing repo for Zenoss I start serviced and .. serviced[2535]: I1218 20:29:36.555679 02535 manager.go:233] Looking for image zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v27.2 in tar /opt/serviced/images/zenoss/serviced-isvcs/v27.2.tar.gz
Dec 18 20:29:36 serviced[2535]: I1218 20:29:36.555759 02535 manager.go:244] Pulling image zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v27.2

It hangs ...


Subject: Works now!
Author: Ken Jenkins
Posted: 2015-12-18 15:35

The OS build had an issue. Rebuilt a new instance and it works fine.

Subject: I am having a similar issue
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2016-04-20 20:20

I am having a similar issue but it says it can't find the image:Failed to pull image zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v27.1: image zenoss/serviced-isvcs:v27.1 not available

What did you mean by "rebuilt new instance" Did you have to reinstall

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