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Problems with a Windows 2012 R2 device

Subject: Problems with a Windows 2012 R2 device
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-11-07 12:12

Hi guys,

I have a Windows 2012 R2 server that I am trying to monitor in Zenoss via WinRM. I have it configured and working. The modeler works just fine (no errors) and I can pull the info from the server just fine as well.

But I am having 2 issues:

1. I keep getting warnings that the SNMP Agent is down, which is accurate since my Server 2012 machine does not have SNMP enabled or configured on it. So how do I set Zenoss to ignore this on my Windows servers only I have removed all the SNMP plugins for this device and simply left all the WinRM plugins there.

2. Even thought the modeler runs with no errors, I am still getting the warning below. I am not sure what it means, or how to fix it.

WindowsServiceLog: failed collection [Failure instance: Traceback: : list index out of range /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ --- --- /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows-2.0.2-py2.7.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/Microsoft/Windows/datasources/ ] Chakotay

My Zenoss machine is a dedicated physical server running 32Gb of RAM, 4x150Gb RAID 10 (SAS drives) and 2 quad core Xeons. This is also a fresh install of Zenoss 4.2.5 on Centos 6.5.

Subject: Hi,
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2014-11-11 13:37


Please upgrade to the latest version of the Windows ZenPack available on the wiki:

Andrew Kirch

Need Zenoss support, consulting or custom development Look no further. Email or PM me!

Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: I'm getting the same error...
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-11-20 14:30

I'm getting the same error...

WindowsEventLog: failed collection [Failure instance: Traceback: : Invalid control character at: line 4 column 177 (char 676) /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ --- --- /opt/zenoss/lib/python/twisted/internet/ /opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows-2.1.3.egg/ZenPacks/zenoss/Microsoft/Windows/datasources/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python2.7/json/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python2.7/json/ /opt/zenoss/lib/python2.7/json/ ] scutil01

Subject: Errors
Author: Dave Bouchillon
Posted: 2014-11-21 12:06

Hi Jcoombes, Can you upgrade to the latest ZenPack and let us know if you are still seeing those errors We are also releasing a new version of the ZenPack soon which may address your issues.

Hxrsmurf, that is a known issue that will be resolved in the next release of the ZenPack.

You are welcome to try the current development version of the Zenpack from the github repo:

This is still in development however, so please be aware there may still be issues.


Subject: Thanks, Dbouchillon. Is there
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2014-11-21 12:46

Thanks, Dbouchillon. Is there a scheduled release for the next ZenPack update

Subject: Failed Collection issue got a lot worse with 2.2.0
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-01-06 11:46

Hi, I was seeing a similar error intermittently with 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 to what jcoombes was getting with this error:

2015-01-06 11:41:25,811 INFO zen.MicrosoftWindows: {Server Name}:Start Collection of Services
2015-01-06 11:41:25,826 ERROR zen.MicrosoftWindows: WindowsServiceLog: failed collection - list index out of range {Server Name}

I was holding out for 2.2.0. I installed that yesterday, and the issue has become way more widespread. Every initialization of service collection gets that error now, several times a minute for every server.

I ended up rolling back to 2.1.3 so that I at least have some service monitoring.

Is there a configuration change that I need to make after upgrading to 2.2.0 Currently I have the following set:

Subject: There shouldn't be any major
Author: Andrew Kirch
Posted: 2015-01-07 13:25

There shouldn't be any major configuration changes going to 2.2

Andrew Kirch

Need Zenoss support, consulting or custom development Look no further. Email or PM me!

Ready for Distributed Topology (collectors) for Zenoss 5 Coming May 1st from GoVanguard

Subject: I'm somewhat at a loss then.
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-01-09 14:46

I'm somewhat at a loss then. 2.2.0 has completely cut off any Service monitoring, and the issue still exists in 2.2.1.

What do I need to do to provide more robust error messages All I see in zenpython.log is the same two lines from my previous post, over and over again.

Subject: Here's what I see after
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-01-13 09:20

Here's what I see after turning on debug in the logs:

2015-01-13 10:02:54,343 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task boxapp01.domain.local 60 DefaultService ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows.datasources.Servic eDataSource.ServicePlugin wuauserv Running changing state from IDLE to QUEUED
2015-01-13 10:02:54,343 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task boxapp01.domain.local 60 DefaultService ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows.datasources.Servic eDataSource.ServicePlugin wuauserv Running changing state from QUEUED to RUNNING
2015-01-13 10:02:54,343 INFO zen.MicrosoftWindows: boxapp01.domain.local:Start Collection of Services
2015-01-13 10:02:54,367 DEBUG zen.MicrosoftWindows: [EnumInfo(wql='select name, state, status, displayname from Win32_Service where name = "wuauserv"', resource_uri='*')]
2015-01-13 10:02:54,368 ERROR zen.MicrosoftWindows: WindowsServiceLog: failed collection - list index out of range boxapp01.domain.local
2015-01-13 10:02:54,368 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task boxapp01.domain.local 60 DefaultService ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows.datasources.ServiceDataSource.ServicePlugin wuauserv Running changing state from RUNNING to STATE_SEND_EVENTS
2015-01-13 10:02:54,369 DEBUG zen.zenpython: Queued event (total of 11) {'rcvtime': 1421161374.369124, 'firstTime': 1421161373.278389, 'device_guid': 'd326084b-7a7b-429a-a453-8b15f9fe34b8', 'eventClassKey': 'WindowsServiceCollectionError', 'agent': 'zenpython', 'manager': 'zenoss.domain.local', 'device': 'boxapp01.domain.local', 'eventClass': '/Status', 'monitor': 'localhost', 'count': 2, 'severity': 3, 'summary': 'WindowsServiceLog: failed collection - list index out of range boxapp01.domain.local', 'eventKey': 'WindowsServiceCollection'}
2015-01-13 10:02:54,369 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task boxapp01.domain.local 60 DefaultService ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows.datasources.ServiceDataSource.ServicePlugin wuauserv Running finished, result: None
2015-01-13 10:02:54,369 DEBUG zen.collector.scheduler: Task boxapp01.domain.local 60 DefaultService ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows.datasources.ServiceDataSource.ServicePlugin wuauserv Running changing state from STATE_SEND_EVENTS to IDLE

This is in both 2.2.0 and 2.2.1. It occurs over and over again for every monitored server.

Subject: Any Resolution to this?
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-04-27 11:23

I've just installed latest Zenoss 4 & ZenPack 2.4.1 & Python.

Created a Windows_Event template, added * to query, selected Warning level, and molded to a Windows Server. Reconfigured WinRM on server.

All I get is "WindowsServiceLog: failed collection - list index out of range

Subject: I too have an issue.
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-24 09:03

I too have an issue.

I downloaded the VMware Player image, converted it to an ESXi image and am running it in a VMware vCenter cluster. 4x 2.4ghz cores, 8gb of RAM and a Raid10 disk given to the VM (dedicated).

uname -a: Linux ZENSRV 2.6.18-406.el5 #1 SMP Tue Jun 2 17:25:57 EDT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
PythonCollector = v1.6.4.
Installed Krb5-workstation using YUM!

Unfortunately I have had a little teething issues with the Zenoss.Microsoft.Windows (v2.4.4) zenpack.
I used group policy to setup WinRM; and WinRS for HTTP with Kerberos.

Here were my issues:
1) Received the error modeling one particular server: "kerberos authGSSClientStep failed (None)".
FIX: One of my VMware ESXi hosts was NOT syncing time properly. When I migrated this specific server off that host; vmware tools reset the time on the guest vm. This seemed to fix the issue nicely.

2) WinRM failed to login to Windows Server 2008 R2 (NO SERVICE PACK)
FIX: Install windows service pack 1

3) Received the following error after modelling: "zenoss winrs: unauthorized, check username and password".... with the zWinRMUser set to 'zenoss@domain.local'.
FIX: changed zWinRMUser to 'zenoss' and re-modelled the device

4) The following error is received after modelling: "WinRS: Failed collection [Failure instance: Traceback: : (('An invalid name was supplied', 131072), ('No error', 0))"
I'm afraid I don't know how to fix this one - any advice
I'm surprised its a kerberos error; as WinRM uses Kerberos auth successfully - using the same z properties.

5) An additional error received: "WindowsServiceLog: failed collection - list index out of range dcname.domain.local"
This happens to all of my DCs only; not sure why. Anyone got any advice

6) Yet another error after modelling: "'DCDiag /test:Replications' failed: [DCNAME] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 5, Access is denied."
I believe this is caused by User Account Control requiring elevated administrative rights for executing particular command-lets. DCDIAG is one of those exes that throws a lot of auth issues without UAC elevation.

If anyone can help me resolve these remaining issues it would be appreciated!

Subject: We have installed a new
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-06-29 06:46

We have installed a new zenoss 4.2.5 and all dcs have errors.
The schemamaster dc-01 shows:

'DCDiag /test:Replications' failed: [DC-02] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 5, Access is denied..

DC-02 shows 3 errors:

'DCDiag /test:Replications' failed: Unknown

'DCDiag /test:RidManager' failed: Unknown

'DCDiag /test:KnowsOfRoleHolders' failed: [DC-01] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 5, Access is denied..

Warning: DC-01 is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bind. Warning: DC-01 is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bind. Warning: DC-01 is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bind. Warning: DC-01 is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bind. Warning: DC-01 is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bind.

I have tested the commands with "winrs -r:server cmd" from a remote station (domain member logged in as domain admin) and the tests will be passed.

Subject: After a lot of playing, I
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-07-08 09:29

After a lot of playing, I managed to get Kerberos working:
zWinRMServerName = ${here/titleOrId}
zWinRMUser = zenoss_SAC@domain.local
zWinRMPassword = *************

Zenoss_SAC is a member of 'Domain Admins'.

This broke monitoring on all of my domain controllers;

I also adjusted their config as follows:
zWinRMServerName = ${here/titleOrId}
zWinRMUser = zenoss_ent_SAC@domain.local
zWinRMPassword = *************

Zenoss_ent_SAC is a member of 'Administrators'.

All is working happily now; except for the Windows ServiceLog collection.
WindowsServiceLog: failed collection - Couldn't bind: 24: Too many open files. servername.domain.local

Any ideas

Subject: My dcdiag errors have all
Author: [Not Specified]
Posted: 2015-07-08 09:30

My dcdiag errors have all gone away; after giving the monitoring service account 'built-in Administrator rights', AND modifying the Domain Controllers group policy - to allow automatic UAC elevation for Built-In Administrators.

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Can not install ZenPacks.zenoss.Microsoft.Windows from gui or shell
SNMP v3 issue with Proliant DL385G8 servers