X.500 products available from Brunel University

The X.500 Group at Brunel produces Directory User Interfaces for a range of platforms. The main products are:

X-Windows with Motif style
WWW gateway
X-Windows with Athena style (obsolescent)

The first five products are for Unix systems using ISODE. PC-Pages is for MS-Windows, and exists in two forms: one for ISO DAP and one for LDAP. The Unix products are freely available. PC-Pages is available under licence.

If you want to build the Unix interfaces from the source, you will need to get ISODE-8.0 or possibly the Isode Consortium release.

A list of other X.500-related resources is maintained by Andy Powell at The University of Bath.

A set of binaries for SunOs 4.1.3 systems (also works on Solaris 2.3) is available from:

Host:   src.brunel.ac.uk
Dir:    x500
File:   brunel.dua.1.0.tar.Z
Size:   5.5MB

This binary distribution is completely self-contained and can be installed easily anywhere in the filesystem. It incorporates MXlu Slu Doog and Wlu, as well as the bibliographic search tools Blu and XAbdux.

For more information, contact X500@brunel.ac.uk

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